Three New Year’s resolutions you can keep

The start of the new year is magical. The slate is wiped clean, hope is strong and the impossible seems possible. I set lofty goals for myself this time of year, and these are three New Year’s resolutions I will keep.

1. Submit your best work into the Mid-Florida Image Awards competition.
No time is a better time than the present to start working on your Mid-Florida Image Awards entries. The call for entries will be available next week. You’ll have several weeks to write and gather your materials. And, the gala, including our annual Communicator of the Year Awards for individuals and institutions, is set for Wednesday, April 13. Allison Campbell, APR, CPRC, and Lisa Varner, APR, CPRC, will provide more details soon.
Image Awards recognize the best in research, strategy, implementation and execution in the public relations profession in four divisions: Public Relations Programs, Collateral of Public Relations, Digital Tools of Public Relations and Student Projects in Public Relations.
Competing in the regional competition will prepare you for the state competition.
Going through the process is also particularly helpful for aspiring APRs (Accredited in Public Relations). Writing your two-page summary and gathering your supplemental materials will give you a project to highlight as part of your readiness review panel and help you prepare for the exam. Plus, following the Image process simply forces you to be a better and more strategic practitioner.

2.  Attend the Ocala Chapter’s May 20 professional development seminar.
We will host a day-long professional development seminar on Friday, May 20, offering three ticket options: Morning session 8-11:30 a.m., afternoon session 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. or all-day session 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.. The seminar will include a media panel, social media trends, business literacy, diversity, equity and inclusion and other topics that you can immediately incorporate to produce tangible results.
Seminar co-chairs, Lauren Debick, APR, and Katie Hunnicutt are looking for committee members. Contact Lauren at [email protected] by Jan. 10, if you’re interested.

3.  Plan now to attend Annual Conference.
August sure seems like a long time from now, but you know it will be here in a hot second. FPRA’s 83rd Annual Conference will be held Aug. 7-10 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes. Rooms will sell out, so plan to book your room in May and take advantage of the early-bird rate. 
Annual Conference is the largest and most anticipated public relations event of the year. The four-day conference includes nationally recognized keynote speakers, breakout sessions, networking and social opportunities. FPRA’s Golden Image Awards gala is also held during Annual Conference, a must-attend highlight of the year for Florida’s public relations practitioners.
With you, our FPRA Ocala Chapter pros, I welcome 2022 with enthusiasm and optimism.

Happy New Year!


With kindness,


Heather Danenhower, APR, CPRC