President’s Perspective: Decisions through Data

Check your emotions at the door and bring me data, please!

Before I start any major project, I start with data. I love data. It’s unemotional. It confirms or refutes my assumptions and provides me the gut check I need to develop strategic stakeholder engagement and communications plans that produce tangible results for my clients. 

In August, we sent a member survey, and 46% of you completed it, helping us identify your needs and preferences.

Survey says

  • You are a member of the Ocala Chapter for our professional development and networking opportunities. 
  • You prefer in-person meetings, and you want to continue meeting at the College of Central Florida. 
  • Our top three communications channels are this newsletter, standalone messages and monthly professional development meetings. 
  • You mostly use Facebook for social media updates about chapter activities. 
  • You are most likely to attend four socials, our annual professional development seminar in May and Annual Conference in August.

I’m most moved by how you described the chapter’s personality and purpose.

I’ve always thought the chapter is warm, welcoming and inclusive, and the caliber of PR professionals is impressive. Members genuinely care about each other. We look out for each other’s best interests and sincerely want each other to be successful.

I had a hunch you might feel the same, and the survey confirmed my assumptions. 

You said the chapter is professional, organized, friendly, positive, engaging, approachable, kind, accepting, energetic, open to ideas, helpful, experienced and dedicated to advancing the profession.

I couldn’t agree more; you are pros!

With kindness,


Heather Danenhower, APR, CPRC