The Ocala FPRA Advanced Communicator Enrichment Session (ACES) for June has been an enlightening and powerful educational opportunity for our senior lever PR pros. ACES Chair Kevin Christian, APR, CPRC has done a great job with ACES this year. He partnered with Accreditation Chair Heather Danenhower, APR to offer an ACES ADVENTURE: Energized for Life trip to Duke Energy’s Crystal River Energy Complex for a rare, behind-the-scenes look at modern energy and how it shapes our future. ACES participants have been able to:
Most ACES members have their APR and CPRC or at least 10 years of public relations experience. Thanks so much to Duke Energy for this incredible access! #WeareDE leaders realize the importance of educating communications professionals on this valuable asset.
June 2016 ACES Adventurers: Kevin Christian, APR, CPRC, Lisa Varner, APR, CPRC, Tina Banner, APR, CPRC, Heather Danenhower, APR and Katie Myers, APR (Nature Coast Chapter member).
#FPRAOcalaLeaders #FPRAisforLeaders #MyFPRA
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